Dear Friends,
In this week´s Parasha we read about the famous story of the Manna.
The Manna, the food falling from Heaven and tasting like anything held in mind!
Chocolate chip cookies, cheesecake, fish, meat...just choose!
Could it get any better than that?
But still, the Israelites are endlessly testing Moses by complaining and whining. They simply do not stop...
They complain bitterly about the Manna, they long for meat and "the fish that we used to eat free in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic" (Numbers 11:5).
In other words if the Jews thought that this Manna was the most incredible tasting fish on earth, then what a great meal they would have had. That's only what the Manna required.
And if they didn't think that, then that's what it would taste like too. What we hold in mind then seems to be more important than anything.
As was mentioned before Moses leadership is severely tested by the ingratitude, complaints and whining.
But what are the Israelites really complaining about and in more general words about what do people complain?
The incident of the complainers helps to answer this. After the people began complaining, the Torah tells us that, "God heard (Vayishma) and His wrath flared..." Therefore, the Torah is telling us that G-d understood the true intents of the people - that they had no real complaint, rather they were looking to distance themselves.
More specifically it was not the complaint that is of importance, instead it was what they truly projected and intended by the complaints...
Shabbath services at 10.00! Kiddush and delicious Tscholent after the prayers. Join the party...!